Yonghong An, Michael R. Baye, Yingyao Hu, John Morgan, and Matt Shum, "Identification and Estimation of Online Price Competition with an Unknown Number of Firms", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2017, pp. 80-102. The data used in this paper combine two sources. The first one includes the price data from the UK price comparison website, Kelkoo, and the second one contains additional information of products from PDAdb.net, a mobile device database. The price data from Kelkoo are confidential, and permission to use this data set should be directed to uk-product-dev@lists.kelkoo.com or 0203 402 9400. The analysis in the paper is based on listed prices (inclusive of taxes and shipping) charged by firms selling 18 models of PDAs over the period from 18 September 2003 through 6 January 2004 on Kelkoo.com.uk. The variables we use are: listing date, number of listings on each date, listed price, and product name. The additional information on products are collected from PDAdb.net, a mobile device database. The data file is an ASCII file characteristics.txt. There are 5 variables and 18 observations for each variable. The 18 observations are for 18 models of PDAs, and the 5 variables are the product name, process, ram, bluetooth (binary), and camera (binary). Yonghong An y.an@tamu.edu