Daniel Kamhöfer and Hendrik Schmitz, "Reanalyzing Zero Returns to Education in Germany", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 31, No. 5, 2016, pp. 912-919. This paper uses two data sources: the German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP), and administrative data taken from the German Statistical Year Books. Both data sources are explained below. German data protection law forbids the online publication of SOEP data. Researchers can apply for use of the data as described below. All program files used to prepare the data and to run the estimations are provided in the file ks-programs.zip. Since the .do files are ASCII files in DOS format, Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". Please address any questions to: Daniel Kamhöfer University of Duisburg-Essen Email: daniel.kamhoefer@uni-due.de Tel.: +49 201 183-6831 Fax: +49 201 183-3716 ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Information on the number of schools and the number of students are taken form the German Statistical Year Books (various issues, 1952--1992). The Year books can be assessed here: http://www.digizeitschriften.de/dms/toc/?PPN=PPN514402342 The data are on federal state level and not affected by data protection law. The file "external_information" provides schooling information used in the paper. The first line is the variable name as used in the program files. Lines 2 to 217 contain the information given in the columns per year and federal state. Columns (1) to (3) give the number of schools by track. (1) basic track, (2) intermediate track, (3) academic track. Column (4) contains the total number of students over all tracks and school years. Columns (5) to (7) state the average number of students per school by track. (5) basic track, (6) intermediate track, (7) academic track. Column (8) gives the area of the federal state. The area varies only across states but not over time. In order to make the merging of the data sets easier, the area is included per year as well. Columns (9) to (11) contain information to connect the administrative data with individual level SOEP data. Column (9) gives the year, (10) the federal state, and (11) the unique state-year identifier. There are two versions of the file "external_information". "external_information.txt" is an ASCII file in DOS format. It is included in the file ks-programs.zip. "external_information.xlsx" is an Excel file. GERMAN SOCIO-ECONOMIC PANEL DATA Main data source: German "Socio-Economic Panel", wave W, interview year 2006. Website: http://www.diw.de/en/diw_02.c.221178.en/about_soep.html Contact information: The German Socio-Economic Panel DIW Berlin Mail: 10108 Berlin, Germany Visitors: Mohrenstraße 58, 10117 Berlin, Germany Tel: +49 30 / 89789 -292 Fax: +49 30 / 89789 -109 Email: soepmail@diw.de (SOEP-Hotline) soepoffice@diw.de (SOEP-Office) Distribution of the SOEP data is only through the SOEP research data center. All users need to sign a data distribution contract. Signing the contract is free. For users within the European Economic Area (including Switzerland), the SOEP data set is provided on DVD at a price of € 30 (plus € 8 shipping and handling). For users outside the European Economic Area (including Switzerland), German data protection regulations allow only a reduced access. For these users the Cornell University distributes the data. In this case, the fee for first-time use is $ 125. For all users, the use of the SOEP data is limited to scientific research purposes; commercial use of the data is forbidden. For users within the European Economic Area and Switzerland, the application form for the data distribution contract is available here: www.diw.de/documents/dokumentenarchiv/17/diw_01.c.88926.de/soep_application_contract_new.pdf Non-European Economic Area users can receive a specific application form here www.diw.de/documents/dokumentenarchiv/17/diw_01.c.43545.de/cornell_order_form_2011-1.464057.pdf If the SOEP data distribution contract was permitted, researchers can order a DVD with the original data here: http://www.diw.de/en/diw_02.c.222836.en/access.html