Anson T. Y. Ho, Kim P. Huynh, and David T. Jacho-Chavez, "Flexible Estimation of Copulas: An Application to the US Housing Crisis", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2016, pp. 603-610. There are two zip files. The file contains the Stata and R code files, which are ASCII files in DOS format. The file contains the data files in CSV format. Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". ########## ## Data ## ########## o Files: housing_data.csv Format: comma separated values Info: Original data used in Zimmer (2012). It covers 1975Q2 - 2009Q1, available at o Files: housing_data_short.csv Format: Comma separated values Info: Revised data downloaded from Federal Housing Finance Agency web site ( on Dec 19, 2013. It covers the same sample period as housing_data.csv used in Zimmer(2012). o Files: housing_data_long.csv Format: comma separated values Info: Revised and extended data downloaded from Federal Housing Finance Agency web site ( on Dec 19, 2013. It extended housing_data_short.csv to include data in 2009Q2 - 2013Q1. o Files: parametric_results.csv Format: comma separated values Info: Parametric fitted values of the implied conditional probabilities based on the original data and model specification used in Zimmer (2012). o Files: parametric_results_s.csv Format: Comma separated values Info: Parametric fitted values of the implied conditional probabilities based on the revised data downloaded from Federal Housing Finance Agency web site ( on Dec 19, 2013. The fit utilizes the same model specification used in Zimmer (2012). o Files: parametric_results_l.csv Format: comma separated values Info: Parametric fitted values of the implied conditional probabilities based on the revised and extended data downloaded from Federal Housing Finance Agency web site ( on Dec 19, 2013. The fit utilizes the same model specification used in Zimmer (2012). o Files: all-Transactions_prct-diff.csv Format: comma separated values Info: Calculated differences between previous series and the revised and extended versions. Note: No other data are used ############## ## Software ## ############## o Files: Format: STATA do file (source code with comments) Application: Clayton-Gumbel mixture copula estimations. Info: This STATA do file filters the series of AR-GARCH effects, estimates copula parameters, and calculates conditional probabilities. It calls 6 other do files (,,,,, to do the estimation for each states pair. o Files: bwx1.R Format: R transcript (source code with comments) Application: Cross-validated Bandwidth calculations. Info: x1 takes values {"0","1","2"}. The code executes all the cross-validated bandwidth calculations using "housing_data.csv," "housing_data_short.csv," and "housing_data_long.csv" respectively. All bandwidth objects are then saved into "bwx1.Rdata" R objects. o Files: bootx1.R Format: R transcript (source code with comments) Application: Bootstrap calculations. Info: This R transcript loads the "bwx1.Rdata" files above (where x1 takes values {"0","1","2"}) and performs all estimation and bootstrap calculations. All these are then saved into "bootx1.Rdata" R objects. o Files: emp_copulax1.R Format: R transcript (source code with comments) Application: It plots Figures 2, 3, and 4 in the manuscript. Info: This R transcript loads the "bootx1.Rdata" files above (where x1 takes values {"0","1","2"}) and reads the "parametric_results.csv," "parametric_results_s.csv," and "parametric_results_l.csv" files into memory. It then plots the Figures 2, 3, and 4 in the paper, respectively. o Files: att-Transactions-prct-diff.R Format: R transcript (source code with comments) Application: It plots Figure 1 in the manuscript. Info: This R transcript reads the "all-Transactions-prct-diff.csv" file and plots Figure 1 in the manuscript. o The software packages used to obtain the results were: - STATA, version 13 - R system for statistical computing, version 3.0.2 - boot 1.3-9 - copula 0.999-9 - fGarch 3010.82 - foreign 0.8-55 - np 0.50-1