Vasco Curdia, Marco Del Negro, and Daniel L. Greenwald, "Rare Shocks, Great Recessions", Journal of Econometrics, Vo. 29, No. 7, 2014, pp. 1031-1052. A full description of our data set can be found in the online appendix to the paper. The data file is called "cdg_data.txt" and is tab-delimited. There are seven variables, each with 188 quarterly observations. The sample is 1962:Q1 - 2011:Q1. The variables are constructed from nine initial series. All data except for the Federal Funds Rate is obtained from Haver Analytics. Frequency, Haver mnemonics and the original source are listed below. INITIAL SERIES (Format: Series (Frequency, Haver Mnemonic, Source)): Real GDP (Q, GDPC, BEA: NIPA) GDP price deflator (Q, GDPDEF, BEA: NIPA) Nominal personal consumption expenditures (Q, PCEC, BEA: NIPA) Nominal fixed private investment (Q, PCEC, BEA: NIPA) Average weekly hours of production (M, PRS85006023, BLS: Establishment Survey) Civilian employment (M, CE16OV, BLS: Household Survey) Civilian noninstitutional population (M, LNSINDEX, BLS: Household Survey) Compensation per hour for non-farm business (Q, PRS85006103, BLS: Labor Productivity and Costs) Federal Funds Rate (D, N/A, Federal Reserve Board: H.15) Daily and monthly data are aggregated into quarterly observations by averaging over the quarter. To obtain the final series provided in the dataset, we transform the initial series listed above. For notation, "Delta" stands for the difference operator, "*" stands for multiplication, and "ln" stands for the natural logarithm. All variables are referred to by their Haver mnemonic, with the exception of Federal Funds Rate, which is referred to as "FFR." The header of the column in the data file is also provided. FINAL SERIES (Format: Series (Header, Formula)): Real per capita output growth (Output_Growth): 100 * Delta ln(GDPC / LNSINDEX) Real per capital consumption growth (Consumption_Growth): 100 * Delta ln((PCEC / GDPDEF) / LNSINDEX) Real per capital investment growth (Investment_Growth): 100 * Delta \ln ((FPI / GDPDEF) / LNSINDEX) Real wage growth (Wage_Growth): 100 * ln(PRS85006103 / GDPDEF) Hours (Hours): ln((PRS85006023 * CE16OV / 100) / LNSINDEX) * 100 Inflation (Inflation): 100 * Delta ln(GDPDEF) Federal Funds Rate (FFR): FFR / 4 The file cdg_data.txt is an ASCII file in DOS format. It is zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". Please address any questions to: Marco Del Negro (marco.delnegro [AT] Department of Macroeconomic and Monetary Studies Federal Reserve Bank of New York 33 Liberty Street New York, NY 10045 UNITED STATES