Christian Bontemps and Nour Meddahi, "Testing Distributional Assumptions; a GMM Approach", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 27, No. 6, 2012, pp. 978-1012. The file contains four data files and two program files (written for Gauss). All files as ASCII files in DOS format. Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". 1) There are four data files. The contents of each are listed below: i) "exchg.txt": 946 observations of weekday close exchange rates from 1/10/81 to 28/6/85. U.K. Pound; French Franc; Swiss Franc;Japanese Yen.(all versus the U.S. Dollar.) We are grateful to Neil Shephard for providing us with these data. ii)"exchg-vol-5mn.txt": 2449 (from December 1, 1986 through June 30, 1999) realized variance measures based on the 5 minutes returns of three exchange rates. DM-US$; Yen-US$; Yen-DM. iii)"exchg-vol-30mn.txt": 2449 (from December 1, 1986 through June 30, 1999) realized variance measures based on the 30 minutes returns of three exchange rates. DM-US$; Yen-US$; Yen-DM. iv)"rvbv.txt": 1369 observations. The two columns are the realized variance and the realized bipower variation computed from the five-minute returns of the S\&P index cash 1997-2002. 2) There are two program files. v)"test-garch-stu.prg": a GAUSS file used in Section 6.1. It estimates a GARCH(1,1) on the data on exchange rates and tests the Student distributional Assumption of the innovation process. It produces the output file "exchg-garch-stu.out" vi)"realvar-invgaus.prg": a GAUSS file used in Section 6.2. It estimates the parameters of the inverse Gaussian Distribution on realized variance measures and tests this distributional assumption. The variance of the moment is estimated with a HAC procedure. The output file produced is "realvar-invgaus.out".