Eelco Zandberg, Jakob de Haan, and Paul Elhorst, "The Political Economy of Financial Reform: How Robust are Huang's Findings?", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2012, pp. 695-699. In order to replicate our results, the following do files are needed: (to replicate the results of columns 1 and 2 of Table 1) (to replicate the results of columns 3 and 4 of Table 1) (to replicate the results of columns 5 and 6 of Table 1) In addition, the following data files are needed: flidata.csv (Original data on financial liberalization and control variables of Huang (2009)) gdn-fixedfactors.csv (File that contains regional dummies) DataNew1.txt (New data on financial liberalization from Abiad et al. (2008) and control variables) DataNew1rob.txt (New data on financial liberalization from Abiad et al. (2008) with a small change in the composition of the financial liberalization index) The three do files and four data files are all ASCII files in DOS format. They are zipped in the file Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". To run the do-files make sure that the data files are saved in the same folder and change the directories in the do-files. Running the do-files will result in a lot of Excel files with results. The results that are presented in columns 1-6 of table 1 of the paper can be found in the following files: Table7_FE_Repl.xls (column 6) = column 1 of Table 1 in our paper Table8_FE_Repl.xls (column 4) = column 2 of Table 1 in our paper Table7_FE_New1.xls (column 6) = column 3 of Table 1 in our paper Table8_FE_New1.xls (column 4) = column 4 of Table 1 in our paper Table7_FE_New1rob.xls (column 6) = column 5 of Table 1 in our paper Table8_FE_New1rob.xls (column 4) = column 6 of Table 1 in our paper Stata 11 was used for the analysis of the paper. Users of different versions of Stata may have to modify the do files slightly.