Ron Alquist and Lutz Kilian, "What Do We Learn from the Price of Crude Oil Futures?", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2010, pp. 539-573. Errata 6/3/13: Bugs fixed in the files that compute the p-values for the Clark-West test statistic and the files that bootstrap p-values for the tests of equal predictive accuracy under quadratic and absolute loss. This changes some entries in Tables 1-5 in the published version of the paper, but it does not affect the conclusions. There are four zip files. They all contain ASCII files in DOS format. Unix/Linux users should use "unzip -a". The file contains files with the data used in the paper. The first two columns of each file contain the year and the month. prices.txt Contains crude oil spot and futures prices. Source: volume.txt Contains the volume of futures contracts traded. Source: pd.txt Contains the precautionary demand component of the real price of oil. Source: Kilian (2009). impvol1m.txt Contains the implied volatility of options on 1-month crude oil futures. Source: Commodity Research Bureau. irate.txt Contains the interest rate on US Treasury bills. Source: Federal Reserve Board of Governors website. dslag.txt Contains the trailing geometric average of past changes in the spot price of crude oil. Source: Authors' calculations. The file contains the MATLAB programs used in the production of the tables and figures: mspedm.m Computes the Diebold-Mariano test statistic under quadratic loss. mspecw.m Computes the Clark-West adjusted p-values for the Diebold-Mariano test statistic under quadratic loss. mapedm.m Computes the Diebold-Mariano test statistic under absolute loss. nrbpt.m Computes the Pesaran-Timmeran direction of change test statistic. ols.m Runs an OLS regression. olsvarc.m Estimates a VAR in companion matrix form. nwvcmat.m Computes the Newey-West estimator of the variance-covariance matrix. nwesterr.m Computes the Newey-West standard errors. recursivefcast.m Estimates recursive forecasts for the spread regressions. recursivefcastb1.m Estimates recursive forecasts for the spread regressions assuming beta = 1. rows.m Returns the number of rows in a matrix. nwest.m Computes Newey-West robust test statistics for an OLS regression. vec.m Vectorizes a matrix. pfind.m Finds lag-order length. vline.m Inserts vertical lines into a figure. bstrap.m Returns bootstrapped p-values for test of equal predictive accuracy statistic under quadratic and absolute loss. bsmapeld.m Returns bootstrapped p-values for test of equal predictive accuracy under absolute loss for forecasts based on the random walk with local drift. ar.m Estimates AR(p) model. cols.m Returns the number of columns in a matrix. The file contains the MATLAB files for all the tables. For Tables 1 through 5, these are: tablexxsprd.m Returns the table entries for the forecasts based on spread regressions. tablexxnrbf.m Returns the table entries for the forecasts that do not use regression to generate the forecasts. tablexxld.m Returns the table entries for the forecasts based on the random walk with local drift model. For Tables 6, 7, 8a, 8b, 8c, 9, there is just one file per table. The file ak-figures contain the MATLAB files that return Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 7a, and Figure 7b. Ron Alquist Bank of Canada 234 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0G9 ralquist [AT]