Michael P. Clements and Ana Galvao, "Forecasting US Output Growth Using Leading Indicators: An Appraisal Using MIDAS Models", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 24, No. 7, 2009, pp. 1187-1206. All data files are comma-separated ASCII files in DOS format. They are zipped in the file cg-data.zip. Unix users should use "unzip -a". The file gro.csv has quarterly output growth for 1959:1-2005:Q1. The first column has real-time vintage data (first released) and the second has final data. The file gdpaa.csv has quarterly vintages since 1965:Q4 of output growth (159 vintages=159 columns) for the period of 1959:1-2005:Q1. Data of output growth were obtained from the real-time dataset of the Philadelphia Fed. The files dleq.csv and dlem.csv have the final data of the 10 indicators (=10 columns) obtained from Stock and Watson data sets. The second file has the transformed monthly data and the first one has transformed quarterly data. Data are from 1959:M1 up to 2003:M12. The files dleqrtv.csv and dlemrtv.csv have the real-time vintage data of (first-difference) hours and housing using monthly vintages since 1970. Monthly data were obtained from the real-time dataset of the Philadelphia Fed. Data is from 1959:M1 up to 2003:M12. Hours data are in the first column and housing (building) in the second column. The files hours.csv and house.csv have monthly vintages of the (first-difference) hours and housing starting with the 1992:M1 vintage (145 vintages=145 columns) for the period of 1959:M1 up to 2003:M12. This is for the use of end-of-sample vintage data in the paper.