Rodney Strachan, "Comment on 'Jointness of Growth Determinants' by Gernot Doppelhofer and Melvyn Weeks", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2009, pp. 245-247. This file describes the contents of the data file: 'rs-data.txt'. This file, which is an ASCII file in DOS format, is zipped in the file Unix users should use "unzip -a". The data file contains the values of the new statistic developed in this comment. This statistic is plotted in the right panel of Figure 1. The values of the new statistic are computed from the marginal probabilities of p(i|y) and p(i|y) and the Jointness statistic in Table 1 of Doppelhofer and Weeks (DW). Each value of the statistic measures the Jointness of two variables. The left panel of Figure 1 plots the values of the Jointness statistic in Table 1 in the appendix of 'Jointness of Growth Determinants' by Gernot Doppelhofer and Melvyn Weeks. We therefore do not reproduce these values here. However, it would be useful for the reader to study the Table 1 in DW to understand the values in the data file. DW report their jointness statistic values for all pairs of variables in a 67 x 67 symmetric matrix in their Table 1. The data file 'rs-data.txt' gives the values of the jointness statistic from Strachan for all pairs of variables in a 2211 x 1 vector (i.e., 2211 = 67x(67-1)/2). The variables used by DW to compute their jointness statistic are described in DW. They assign to each variable an identifying number. We use the same identifying numbers and list these at the end of this README file. The data file 'rs-data.txt' contains three columns. The first two identify the variables in each pairing, and the third column reports the value of the jointness statistic for each pair. We give further explanation below. FIRST AND SECOND COLUMNS: The first two columns of the file 'rs-data.txt' give the identifying numbers of two variables. Thus each row of the first two columns identifies a pair of variables. As the jointness statistic is for pairs of variables, the first column includes variables 2 to 67, and the second column includes variables 1 to 66. That is, the first two columns give the pairs (2,1), (3,1), . . . (66,1), (67,1), (3,2), (4,2), . . . (66,2), (67,2), (4,3), (5,3), . . . (66,3), (67,3), . . . etc. up to the final pairs (67,65) and (67,66). These couplets are exactly the same as those in Table 1 in the appendix of 'Jointness of Growth Determinants' by Gernot Doppelhofer and Melvyn Weeks. THIRD COLUMN: The third column in the data file reports the new jointness statistic proposed in the comment. The Jointness statistic in the third column is for that combination of variables identified by the first two columns. As mentioned above, the variables are identified using the same numbering system as in DW. We reproduce the variable names and identifying numbers below. To aid interpretation, I provide a number of examples. The first row of the data file is: 2 1 2.013690622 Using the identifiers below, this gives a jointness statistic for P60 (variable 2) and EAST (variable 1) of 2.013690622. The second row of the data file is: 3 1 1.878965808 Using the identifiers below, this gives a jointness statistic for IPRICE1 (variable 3) and EAST (variable 1) of 1.878965808. The 196th row of the data file is: 5 4 0.953812588 Using the identifiers below, this gives a jointness statistic for TROPICAR (variable 5) and GDPCH60L (variable 4) of 0.953812588. The last row of the data file is: 67 66 -0.000000164 Using the identifiers below, this gives a jointness statistic for DENS65I (variable 67) and LANDAREA (variable 66) of 0.953812588. Number Variable Name 1 EAST 2 P60 3 IPRICE1 4 GDPCH60L 5 TROPICAR 6 DENS65C 7 MALFAL66 8 LIFE060 9 CONFUC 10 SAFRICA 11 LAAM 12 SPAIN 13 MINING 14 GVR61 15 MUSLIM00 16 YRSOPEN 17 AVELF 18 BUDDHA 19 DENS60 20 RERD 21 OTHFRAC 22 OPENDEC1 23 PRIGHTS 24 GOVSH61 25 H60 26 PRIEXP70 27 TROPPOP 28 GGCFD3 29 PROT00 30 HINDU00 31 POP1560 32 AIRDIST 33 GOVNOM1 34 ABSLATIT 35 CATH00 36 COLONY 37 FERTLDC1 38 CIV72 39 REVCOUP 40 EUROPE 41 SCOUT 42 BRIT 43 LHCPC 44 TOT1DEC1 45 POP60 46 GDE1 47 POP6560 48 NEWSTATE 49 SIZE60 50 ENGFRAC 51 PI6090 52 LANDLOCK 53 LT100CR 54 HERF00 55 DPOP6090 56 OIL 57 GEEREC1 58 SQPI6090 59 SOCIALIST 60 ZTROPICS 61 WARTIME 62 TOTIND 63 WARTORN 64 ORTH00 65 ECORG 66 LANDAREA 67 DENS65I