Armantier O., Florens J-P., and J-F. Richard, "Approximation of Nash Equilibria in Bayesian Games", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2008, pp. 965-981. In addition to this one, there are five files. Each contains a program coded in FORTRAN 77. All of these are ASCII files in DOS format, and they are zipped together in the file Unix users should use "unzip -a". The program data_sym_asym.f should be run first to generate the simulated points for the symmetric and the asymmetric examples. The program data_multi.f should be run first to generate the simulated points for the multi_unit example. The file sym.f contains the code for the symmetric auction example (Figure 1 in the paper). The file asym.f contains the code for the asymmetric auction example (Figure 2 in the paper). The file multi.f contains the code for the multi-unit auction example (Figure 3 in the paper). Note that all these programs require the mathematical library IMSL. Additional examples, relying on readily available numerical routines, are available on one of the authors' website at: