Brendan Kline and Justin L. Tobias, "The Wages of BMI: Bayesian Analysis of a Skewed Treatment-Response Model with Nonparametric Endogeneity", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 23, No. 6, 2008, pp. 767-793. The data used in this paper are the property of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies at the Institute of Education, University of London, who do not permit open access. They are held at the UK Data Archive (, to whom inquiries concerning access should be addressed. The data used is the 1970 British Cohort Study. We use data from the 1980 and 1999/2000 waves of the 1970 British Cohort Study, which are stored at the UKDA under SN 3723 and SN 5558, respectively. From the 1980 wave of interviews, we use the following variables: Relationship with parent figures in 1980: a51; a61 Parents' education: c11-c111; and c112-122 Parents' status as management or professional: c34; c21; c311; and c29 Family income: c91-c97 Parents' height and weight (BMI): e11-e12; and e21-e22 From the 1999/2000 wave of interviews, we use the following variables: Current marital status: marstat2 Current economic activity: econact Job tenure and job experience: intdate; cstartyr; and cstartmo; startyr-startyr9; starty10; startmo-startmo9; startm10; activity; activit2-activit9; and activi10 Educational attainment: edquals; and edqtyp14-edqtyp21 Height and weight (BMI): weight2; wtkilos2; wtpound2; wtstone2; height2; htfeet2; htinche2; htmetre2; and htcms2 Union membership: unionmem Status as management or professional: sc We also employ the code provided by the survey to extract the wage data, and therefore also use the variables required by that program.