Garth Holloway, Simeon Ehui, and Amare Teklu, "Bayes Estimates of Distance to Market: Transactions Costs, Cooperatives and Milk Market Development in the Ethiopian Highlands", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 23, No. 5, 2008, pp. 683-696. The data used in this paper are kindly made available by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), where this research was conducted while the corresponding author was on sabbatical, 1999-2001. Authors wishing to use the data are kindly requested to acknowledge ILRI in their work. The data set contains a panel of observations constructed for 68 households during 3 visits in the 1997 production year, a total of 204 observations. The data set contains 90 measures. However, only 9 quantities are used in the article. These 9 measures include the sales and production data (dependent in the regressions) and observations on seven covariates (respectively, cross-breed cows, local-breed cows, extension visitation, minutes-time to walk bucketed fluid milk to the milk cooperative, years of formal schooling, and two site-specific binary variables). The file contains two ASCII files, bayesdistancetomarket.m and distancetomarketdata.ascii. UNIX users should use 'unzip -a'. The data are in an ASCII file in DOS format and are loaded into the MATLAB code (in the file entitled bayesdistancetomarket.m and copied into the text appendix entitled het-appendix-12-09-06) as lines 68 to 79, namely %Fetch data=load('distancetomarketdata.ascii'); production=data(:,2); sales=data(:,12); crossbreed=data(:,86); localbreed=data(:,87); extension=data(:,90); distance=data(:,20); education=data(:,24); ilukura=data(:,32); mirti=data(:,33); %pause Thus the production data reside in column 2 of the data matrix, the sales data reside in column 12, and so on. The remainder of the code appears in the same format, with a one-word descriptor explaining the block, and a pause commented at the end of the block. Throughout, an attempt has been made to ensure that anyone with a very basic familiarity with programming constructs and basic linear algebra can follow and interpret the MATLAB code. However, I strongly encourage users who encounter difficulty to email me at garth.holloway [AT] Finally, I repeat my request that colleagues wishing to use the data in their own research acknowledge ILRI, who -- in addition to providing this very informative data set which is amenable to composed-error random-censored Tobit modelling in a multivariate framework -- provided a research environment that was unsurpassed in my experience. Thank you. Garth Holloway