Michel Mouchart and Marie Vandresse, "Bargaining Powers and Market Segmentation in Freight Transport", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 22, No. 7, 2007, pp. 1295-1313. All data are in the file mm-data.txt, which is an ASCII file in DOS format. It is zipped in the file mm-data.zip. Unix users should use "unzip -a". The target population gathers freight contracts, the demand for which is made by Belgian companies of medium and large size (minimum 20 employees). The sampling frame is an exhaustive list of such companies, extracted from BELFIRST, a data base established for the Belgian National Bank. These data were collected by face-to-face interviews during which the interviewee was asked to describe a typical contract, in the class of freight transports starting from Belgium with destination within Europe, excluding air and maritime transports. Sample size: 91 Each row corresponds to a firm, and each column to a variable. The variables are the following: - price: price of the transport (EUR/ton*km) - relia: reliability, namely the percentage of time the goods are delivered within the required time - flex : flexibility, namely the percentage of time that unexpected demands are met by the carrier - speed: The door to door transport time (including loading and unloading) divided by the distance. Corresponding author: Marie Vandresse Institut de démographie Place Montesqueiy 1, boite 17 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium Tel.: + 32 10 47 93 06 Fax: + 32 10 47 29 52 E-mail : vandresse [AT] demo.ucl.ac.be