Stefano Fachin, "Long-Run Trends in Internal Migrations in Italy: a Study in Panel Cointegration with Dependent Units", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2007, pp. 401-428. COMPUTER PROGRAM The file bootstrap_panel_coint_test.prg is a self-contained GAUSS program divided into a main program and some procedures. A comment with the keyword PAR is placed immediately before all the lines including parameters to be set by the user. This file, which is in DOS format, is zipped in the file DATA All files, which are in DOS format, are zipped in the file All series cover the period 1970-1996. Details differ for data disaggregated by "regioni" (hereafter regions; Italy NUTS 2 geographical units) or groups of regions. A. Region groups In this section are documented the files of the data for seven groups of regions: NW (code 1), NE/Alps (code 2), NE/PO Valley (code 3), Centre (code 4), Lazio (code 5), SE (code 6) and SW (code 7). The following block of files has 27 rows and 8 columns, with the format: column content 1 year 2 NW Italy 3 NE/Alps Italy 4 NE/PO Valley Italy 5 Centre Italy 6 Lazio 7 SE Italy 8 SW Italy 1. unemployment rate Source: Istat "Rilevazione della Forze di Lavoro" file: unemployment_areas.txt 2. value added per capita at 1995 prices, million of Lire (ESA 79) Source: Istat "Conti Economici Regionali" file: gdp_areas.txt 3. Male Population (units) Source: Istat, "Popolazione residente per sesso, età e regione" file: male_pop_areas.txt 4. Female Population (units) Source: Istat, "Popolazione residente per sesso, età e regione" file: female_pop_areas.txt The remaining three files have 29 rows and 50 columns, with the format: row 1: code of origin area from 1 (NW Italy) to 7 (SW Italy) as detailed above row 2: code destination area from 1 (NW Italy) to 7 (SW Italy) as detailed above rows 3-29: 1970-1996 data column 1: year column 2: origin area=1, destination area=1 column 3: origin area=1, destination area=2 etc. NB the first two rows of column 1 are filled with 0's. 5. Male gross migration flows source: author's calculation on Istat data file: male_migr_flows_areas.txt 6. Female gross migration flows source: author's calculation on Istat data file: female_migr_flows_areas.txt 7. Male standardised migration rate (arithmetic mean of migration rates of 5-years age cohorts) source: author's calculation on Istat data. file: male_migr_rate_areas.txt B. Regions In this section are documented the files with data with regional disaggregation. For the migration data this is limited to South-Eastern regions. The following block of files has 27 rows and 21 columns, with the format: column content 1 year 2 Piemonte 3 Val d'Aosta 4 Lombardia 5 Trentino-Alto Adige 6 Veneto 7 Friuli-Venezia Giulia 8 Liguria 9 Emilia-Romagna 10 Toscana 11 Umbria 12 Marche 13 Lazio 14 Abruzzo 15 Molise 16 Campania 17 Puglia 18 Basilicata 18 Calabria 19 Basilicata 20 Sicilia 21 Sardegna 1. unemployment rate Source: Istat "Rilevazione della Forze di Lavoro" file: unemployment_regions.txt 2. value added per capita at 1995 prices, million of Lire (ESA 79) Source: Istat "Conti Economici Regionali". file: gdp_regions.txt 3. Male Population (units) Source: Istat, "Popolazione residente per sesso, età e regione" file: male_pop_regions.txt 4. Female Population (units) Source: Istat, "Popolazione residente per sesso, età e regione" file: female_pop_regions.txt The remaining three files have 29 rows and 19 columns, with the format: row 1: code of origin region: Abruzzo (code 13) Molise (code 14), Puglia (code 16) row 2: code of destination area: NW (1), NE/Alps (2), NE/PO Valley (3), Centre (4), Lazio (5), SW (7) rows 3-29: 1970-1996 data column 1: year column 2: origin region 13, destination area 1 column 3: origin region 13, destination area 2 etc. NB the first two rows of column 1 are filled with 0's. 5. Male gross migration flows source: author's calculation on Istat data file: male_migr_flows_regions.txt 6. Female gross migration flows source: author's calculation on Istat data file: female_migr_flows_regions.txt 7. Male standardised migration rate (arithmetic mean of migration rates of 5-years age cohorts) source: author's calculation on Istat data file: male_migr_rate_regions.txt Please address any questions to: Stefano Fachin DCNAPS-Facoltà di Scienze Statistiche Università di Roma "La Sapienza" box 83 - RM 62 P.le A. Moro 5 - 00185 Roma Italy s.fachin [AT]