Badi H. Baltagi, "Estimating an Economic Model of Crime using Panel Data from North Carolina", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2006, pp. 543-547. This is a replication of the article Cornwell, C. and W. N. Trumbull, "Estimating the economic model of crime with panel data", Review of Economics and Statistics 76, 1994, 360-366. This is their data set provided with permission from Chris Cornwell. It is a panel data of 90 counties over 7 years 1981-1987 which comprises 630 observations. Two versions of the dataset are provided. The file "crime4.txt" is an ASCII file in DOS format. The file "crime4.dta" is a Stata datafile. Both files are zipped in the file The dataset contains 630 observations and 59 variables: county year crmrte prbarr prbconv prbpris avgsen polpc density taxpc west central urban pctmin80 wcon wtuc wtrd wfir wser wmfg wfed wsta wloc mix pctymle d82 d83 d84 d85 d86 d87 lcrmrte lprbarr lprbconv lprbpris lavgsen lpolpc ldensity ltaxpc lwcon lwtuc lwtrd lwfir lwser lwmfg lwfed lwsta lwloc lmix lpctymle lpctmin clcrmrte clprbarr clprbcon clprbpri clavgsen clpolpc cltaxpc clmix The last eight (constructed) variables are missing for 1981. Missing variables are denoted by a "." in the text file. Variable definitions: 1. county county identifier 2. year 81 to 87 3. crmrte crimes committed per person 4. prbarr 'probability' of arrest 5. prbconv 'probability' of conviction 6. prbpris 'probability' of prison sentenc 7. avgsen avg. sentence, days 8. polpc police per capita 9. density people per sq. mile 10. taxpc tax revenue per capita 11. west =1 if in western N.C. 12. central =1 if in central N.C. 13. urban =1 if in SMSA 14. pctmin80 perc. minority, 1980 15. wcon weekly wage, construction 16. wtuc wkly wge, trns, util, commun 17. wtrd wkly wge, whlesle, retail trade 18. wfir wkly wge, fin, ins, real est 19. wser wkly wge, service industry 20. wmfg wkly wge, manufacturing 21. wfed wkly wge, fed employees 22. wsta wkly wge, state employees 23. wloc wkly wge, local gov emps 24. mix offense mix: face-to-face/other 25. pctymle percent young male 26. d82 =1 if year == 82 27. d83 =1 if year == 83 28. d84 =1 if year == 84 29. d85 =1 if year == 85 30. d86 =1 if year == 86 31. d87 =1 if year == 87 32. lcrmrte log(crmrte) 33. lprbarr log(prbarr) 34. lprbconv log(prbconv) 35. lprbpris log(prbpris) 36. lavgsen log(avgsen) 37. lpolpc log(polpc) 38. ldensity log(density) 39. ltaxpc log(taxpc) 40. lwcon log(wcon) 41. lwtuc log(wtuc) 42. lwtrd log(wtrd) 43. lwfir log(wfir) 44. lwser log(wser) 45. lwmfg log(wmfg) 46. lwfed log(wfed) 47. lwsta log(wsta) 48. lwloc log(wloc) 49. lmix log(mix) 50. lpctymle log(pctymle) 51. lpctmin log(pctmin) 52. clcrmrte lcrmrte - lcrmrte[t-1] 53. clprbarr lprbarr - lprbarr[t-1] 54. clprbcon lprbconv - lprbconv[t-1] 55. clprbpri lprbpri - lprbpri[t-1] 56. clavgsen lavgsen - lavgsen[t-1] 57. clpolpc lpolpc - lpolpc[t-1] 58. cltaxpc ltaxpc - ltaxpc[t-1] 59. clmix lmix - lmix[t-1]