J. Ignacio García-Pérez, "Job Separation in a Non-stationary Search Model: A Structural Estimation to Evaluate Alternative Unemployment Insurance Systems", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2006, pp. 245-272. The estimation in the present paper has been made using Spanish data derived from the Spanish Continuous Family Expenditure Survey (Encuesta Continua de Presupuestos Familiares (ECPF)) for the period 1985-1996. The ECPF is a rotating panel that interviews approximately 3,200 households every quarter. One eighth of the sample is renewed quarterly and hence an individual can be monitored for a maximum of two consecutive years. This source gives information about unemployed workers during their spells of unemployment and also about their post-unemployment wages, in addition to information on income, consumption and other household characteristics. The estimation sample consists of unemployed household heads, which is the only group within the ECPF whose educational level is reported. I have also restricted the sample to married men with non-working spouses in order to reduce heterogeneity since, given the estimation procedure, I am not able to consider many regressors. The estimation process uses two files. gp-file1.txt contains all the unemployment spells expanded each spell in so many observations as the unemployment duration of this spell. Hence, we have 390 completed spells of unemployment and 353 censored spells that are transformed into 4,375 monthly observations. In order to compute reservation wages more quickly, we have divided workers into groups based on a few dichotomous variables. These groups are in an alternative dataset, gp-file2.txt that contains the same variables used in the estimation but only for the category groups. Both files are ASCII files in DOS format. They are zipped in the file gp-files.zip. Unix users should use "unzip -a". The structure of each file is the following: gp-file1.txt obs: 4,375 vars: 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- variable name variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cod individual code depen dependent variable (=1 if exit from U) dur unemployment duration cualif skilled worker inem have unemployment benefits paroalto in a period of high unemployment joven age 18-30 edad45 age 30-45 salar wage w dummy =1 if the wage is observed ante1992 dummy =1 if observed before 1992 renta income salante previous wage salantediscreto discretized previous wage edadm45 age 45-65 numero3 classification number for reservation wage's c omputation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: cod dur gp-file2.txt obs: 550 vars: 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- variable name variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- numero3 classification number for reservation wage's computation dur unemployment duration cualif skilled worker inem have unemployment benefits ante1992 dummy =1 if observed before 1992 salantediscreto discretized previous wage edadm45 age 45-65 paroalto in a period of high unemployment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: numero3 dur