Dong H. Kim, Marianne Sensier, and Denise R. Osborn, "Nonlinearity in the Fed's Monetary Policy Rule", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 20, No. 5, 2005, pp. 621-639. All files (with the exception of miseview.wf1) are DOS files in ASCII format. They are organized in several directories and zipped in the file Sample: quarterly data for 1960:I - 2000:IV, total 164 observations Directories: a. data i) nmpdata.txt: Contains all raw data as listed below (1960:I - 2000:IV) - col.0: date - col.1: ngdp: Nominal GDP - col.2: rgdp: Real GDP - col.3: pgdp: Potential GDP estimated by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) - col.4: hpgdp: Hodrick-Prescott filtered GDP trend - col.5: inf: Quarterly inflation caculated from the GDP deflator - col.6: int: The Federal Funds rate of the first month of the quarter - col.7: sgdpdfp: The median forecast of the GDP deflator at the previous quarter - col.8: sgdpdfc: The median forecast of the GDP deflator at the current quarter - col.9: gbinff-current: Greenbook forecast at the current quarter - col.10: gbinff-one: Greenbook one-quarter ahead forecast - col.11: gbinff-two: Greenbook two-quarters ahead forecast - col.12: gbinff-three: Greenbook three-quarters ahead forecast - col.13: gbinff-four: Greenbook four-quarters ahead forecast - col.14: cvarinf: conditional variance of inflation generated from the GARCH(1,1) model of inflation Data files used by the programs: ii) nrphgdp.txt: gdp data contains cols 1-4 above (1960:I - 2000:IV) iii) mffr.txt: Monthly Federal Funds rate (1960m1- 2000m12), used to create col.6 above iv) psgdpdff.txt: The median forecast of the GDP deflator by FRB Philadelphia Survey of Professional Forecasters data (1968:IV - 2000:IV), cols 7-8 above v) gbinff.txt: Greenbook inflation forecast (1965:IV - 1996:IV), cols 9-13 above vi) cvarinf.txt: conditional variance of inflation (1960:I - 2000:IV), col.14 above vii) figdata.txt: values to generate figures in the paper, each data set as follows: - col.1: x values (inflation or output gap data) - col.2: y values (interest rate data) - col.3: data for lower confidence interval - col.4: data for upper confidence interval b. nmpprog-- Contains the code for implementing estimation of nonlinear monetary policy rule and Monte Carlo analysis described on the Appendix of the paper i) mprog: main code for estimation of nonlinear monetary policy rule ii) montprog: code for Monte Carlo Analysis c. flexin-- This directory contains programs and procedures for implementing Hamilton's (2001) flexible nonlinear inference. This part is incorporated into above two programs to produce the results of the paper d. miseview-- Eviews workfile used for generating Hodrick-Prescott filtered output and generating the conditional variance of inflation e. output-- Contains main outputs from running MPROG and MONTEC i) mprog.out: output from running MPROG ii) montec.out: output from running MONTEC