Bart Cockx and Muriel Dejemeppe, "Duration Dependence in the Exit Rate out of Unemployment in Belgium. Is it True or Spurious?", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2005, pp. 1-23. Our analysis exploits quarterly census data relative to the unemployed male population in Wallonia (Belgium). These data are the property of the « Office National de l'Emploi » (ONEm) and the « Office communautaire et Régional de la Formation Professionnelle et de l'Emploi » (FOREM), Belgium. The data are stratified by the quarter of inflow into unemployment, the unemployment duration and the age group (<= 28 years old, and 29-44 years old). The inflow in a given quarter is equal to the number of laid-off workers who are still unemployed at the end of the quarter in which they enter (an exit should also last at least three months to be recorded as such). The observation period consists of 19 quarterly intervals, the first interval starting on the 1st of June 1989, the last one ending on the 28th of February 1994. So there are 18 cohorts of unemployed (a cohort being defined by its quarter of inflow), stratified by age group (there are 18 cohorts instead of 19 as there is no exit defined for entrants in the 19th quarter). For each cohort, the flows out of unemployment are counted on a quarterly basis, from the time of inflow until the end of February 1994, the date at which all spells are right censored. For each age group, the data are therefore grouped into 171 (=1+2+...+18) homogeneous cells, from which probabilities of leaving unemployment are computed. There are therefore two data sets: Oldmen.dat (Men aged 29-44) and Youngmen.dat (Men aged <=28), with 171 observations each. Both these files, which are in DOS format, are zipped in the file In each data set, there are 11 variables described below: ANE (89,90,...,93), character: Year of entry into unemployment TRIME (1,2,3,4), character: Quarter of entry from unemployment Remark: 1=(Mar, Apr, May) 2=(Jun, Jul, Aug) 3=(Sep, Oct, Nov) 4=(Dec, Jan, Feb) ENTRY (0,2,...,17), numeric: Calendar time at entry (in quarters) Remark: l in the paper ANI (89,90,...,94), character: Year of exit from unemployment TRIMI (1,2,3,4), character: Quarter of exit from unemployment Remark: 1=(Mar, Apr, May) 2=(Jun, Jul, Aug) 3=(Sep, Oct, Nov) 4=(Dec, Jan, Feb) EXIT (1,2,...,18), numeric: Calendar time at exit (in quarters) Remark: l+k in the paper DUT (1,2,...,18), numeric: Unemployment duration (in quarters) Remark: k in the paper SCOUNT, numeric: Number of individuals who entered unemployment at 'ENTRY' and are still unemployed at the end of the duration quarter 'DUT' Remark: uk+1l in the paper SLCOUNT, numeric: Number of individuals who entered unemployment at 'ENTRY' and are at risk of leaving unemployment within the duration quarter 'DUT' Remark: ukl in the paper PROBA, numeric: Probability of leaving unemployment Remark: Pkl in the paper, =(SLCOUNT-SCOUNT)/SLCOUNT LENTREED, numeric: De-seasonalised logarithm of the number of quarterly flows into unemployment (computed from the data set) Remark: b(l) in the paper Please address any questions to: Muriel Dejemeppe IRES Place Montesquieu 3 B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium