Peter Skogman Thoursie, "Reporting Sick: Are Sporting Events Contagious?", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 19, No. 6, 2004, pp. 809-823. The data sets used in the article are from the Register of Cases Due to Illness (Census data) and LINDA (Longitudinal Individual Data Base). LINDA constitutes a 3.35 percent random sample of the Swedish population (about 300,000 individuals). These are confidential data sources administered by Swedish National Social Insurance Board 103 51 Stockholm Sweden Permission to use (or order) these data sources should be directed to Ola Rylander at the Swedish National Social Insurance Board. The variables used in the study are described in the file variable_des.txt. The sample selection rules are described in the files data_87.txt and data_88.txt which are programs (Stata codes) used to generate the data used in the paper. These three files are zipped in the file Please address any questions to: Peter Skogman Thoursie Dept. of Economics Stockholm University 106 91 Stockholm Sweden