Denis Fougère and Thierry Kamionka, "Bayesian Inference for the Mover Stayer Model in Continuous Time with an Application to Labour Market Data", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 18, No. 6, 2003, pp. 697-724. The data are in 13 plain ASCII text files, named as868788.txt to as989900.txt. They are zipped in the file The files are in DOS format, so Unix users should use "unzip -a". Data source: French Labour Force surveys collected by Insee, Paris (Enquetes Emploi, 1986-2000) Each file contains number of transitions between the three considered states (1=employment, 2=unemployment, 3=out of the labour force) for each three-year panel (for instance, transitions in the panel 1986-1987-1988 are contained in the file as868788.txt). Each file has 10 rows and 29 columns. 1st column describes gender (0=males, 1=females) 2nd column describes age group (1=15-25, 2=26-35, 3=36-50, 4=51-65, 5=66 and above) 3rd column contains the number of individuals in state 1 at date 1, in state 1 at date 2, in state 1 at date 3 (denoted n111) 4th column contains the number of individuals in state 1 at date 1, in state 1 at date 2, in state 2 at date 3 (denoted n112) 5th column contains the number n113 6th column contains the number n121 7th column contains the number n122 8th column contains the number n123 9th column contains the number n131 10th column contains the number n132 11th column contains the number n133 12th column contains the number n211 13th column contains the number n212 14th column contains the number n213 15th column contains the number n221 16th column contains the number n222 17th column contains the number n223 18th column contains the number n231 19th column contains the number n232 20th column contains the number n233 21th column contains the number n311 22th column contains the number n312 23th column contains the number n313 24th column contains the number n321 25th column contains the number n322 26th column contains the number n323 27th column contains the number n331 28th column contains the number n332 29th column contains the number n333