Jeff Racine and Rob Hyndman, "Using R to Teach Econometrics", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2002, pp. 149-174. The file examples.R contains all the examples from this review. The file examples.out was generated by running all commands contained in this file using R version 1.3.1 (11/2/01, J. Racine) In addition, individual examples and their output are included in the files boston.R lm.R matrix.R nls.R probit.R ts.R tseries.R and boston.out lm.out matrix.out nls.out probit.out ts.out tseries.out The file run_R is a shell script that calls R to process each of the example files. Professor J. S. Racine Phone: (813) 974-6555 Department of Economics FAX: (813) 974-6510 University of South Florida e-mail: Tampa, Florida, USA 33620-5500