Christopher Otrok, B. Ravikumar, and Charles H. Whiteman, "Evaluating Asset-Pricing Models Using the Hansen-Jagannathan Bound: A Monte Carlo Investigation", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 17. No. 2, 2002, pp. 149-174. All data and programs are in the file They are all ASCII files in DOS format. Unix users should use "unzip -a". The data are in qdatap.txt, (which is of dimension 203 x 3) and are quarterly from 1947:1-1997:4. The data are in real terms (the GDP deflator was used to convert to real terms). The GDP deflator and consumption are from the BEA website. Treasury Bill returns are from the FRED database at the St. Louis Fed website. Equity Returns are constructed using the S&P 500 stock price and dividends from the Citibase dataset. The data file has per capita consumption (nondurables and services) growth in the 1st column, equity returns in the second column, and treasury bill returns (90 day) in the third column. The zip file also contains 6 programs to replicate the results in the paper. All programs were written using Gauss 3.2 for Windows. To replicate Figures 1 through 4, run hjtsgmm.prg. To replicate Table 1: 1) Run tauchen4.prg to approximate the consumption growth process 2) Run aprices.prg to cacluate asset return given the output from 1) 3) Run hjtsgmmc.prg to obtain Z's from the simulations 4) Run zdistC.prg to get critical values given output from 3) To replicate Figures 9 or 11, run hbtspwr.prg If there are any questions on the programs or data please contact: Christopher Otrok Department of Economics, 114 Rouss Hall P.O. Box 400182 University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22904-4182 email: