Lutz Kilian, "Exchange Rates and Monetary Fundamentals: What Do We Learn From Long-Horizon Regressions?", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 14, No. 5, 1999, pp. 491-510. In addition to this readme file, there are 8 zip files, each of which contains a number of data and/or program files. The programs require Matlab in either a PC or Unix environment. There are four main types of programs: a) data; b) programs to implement the bootstrap (there are five versions: three versions for Mark's bootstrap procedure and two versions for the VECM bootstrap procedure, depending on the treatment of the drift); c) programs to evaluate the size of the VECM bootstrap; d) programs to evaluate the power of the VECM bootstrap against the VECM alternative. Parts b)-d) use the data from a). Suggested directory structure: Corresponding zip-files: a) \data b) \bootstrap\mark\original ...nodrift ...drift ...\vecm\drift ...nodrift c) \size d) \power INSTRUCTIONS: STEP 1: To run the programs one first needs to load and transform the data in a). Save the result as Matlab binary files mark_f.mat and mark_s.mat and move these files into the appropriate subdirectories for b)-c). STEP 2: To execute the Matlab code for a)-c) one enters Matlab and in the appropriate subdirectory types the name of the "main" file in each subdirectory (ignoring the extension *.m). This file is called jaedata.m for a); country.m for b); and dgp.m for c) and d). STEP 3: In dgp.m and country.m the variable "c" (as in country) refers to the country with c=1,2,3,4 denoting Canada, Germany, Japan, and Switzerland (in that order). See jaedata.m for details. STEP 4: Note that the bias corrections for the Mark bootstrap procedure may be activated and deactivated inside the program point.m by putting a %- sign on the far left of the line involving the function asybc.m. 11/03/98 Lutz Kilian Assistant Professor Department of Economics University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 Phone: (734) 764-2320 Fax: (734) 764-2769 Email: