J. S. Butler, T. Aldrich Finegan, and John J. Siegfried, "Does More Calculus Improve Student Learning in Intermediate Micro and Macro Economic Theory", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1998, pp. 185-202. Notes on the Files on the Calculus Project Diskette All the files for this paper are in DOS format. They are contained in the zip file bfs.zip. It contains 12 files. The files are named with an E for Econ (all students in the class) or M for Major (only the majors in the class; 231 (micro) or 232 (macro), the numbers used at Vanderbilt University; reg (regression) or op (ordered probit); sas (SAS) or lim (LIMDEP); and dat (for data files). There are two files for each estimation (data and estimation programs), and there are six estimation programs, i.e. two ordered probits to estimate the level of math attained for all students and four regressions of grades on explanatory factors for all students and for majors, for micro and macro. The data in all data sets are in free format, separated by spaces. E231REG.DAT Econ 231 (Intermediate Microeconomics) Regression Data, all students 1 Observation number, 1-609 2 Grade in Econ 231 3 The selection correction based on the highest Math class taken 4 Sophomore 5 Senior 6 Intermediate micro and intermediate macro in the same academic year 7 At least one semester between intermediate micro and intermediate macro [Math 170 is the omitted category] 8 Math 171a is highest completed math 9 Math 172a is highest completed math 10 Math 171b is highest completed math 11 Math 172b is highest completed math 12 Math 221a is highest completed math 13 Math 221b is highest completed math 14 Grade in Math 170 if it is the highest completed math 15 Grade in Math 171a if it is the highest completed math 16 Grade in Math 172a if it is the highest completed math 17 Grade in Math 171b if it is the highest completed math 18 Grade in Math 172b if it is the highest completed math 19 Grade in Math 221a if it is the highest completed math 20 Grade in Math 221b if it is the highest completed math 21 Grade in Econ 100 22 Grade deflator in Econ 100 23 Grade in Econ 101 24 Grade deflator in Econ 231 25 Grade deflator in Econ 101 26 Size of Econ 231 27 Freshman GPA 28 Sex 29 SAT Math 30 SAT Verb 31 Teacher of 231 (numerical code) 32 Section of 231 (numerical code) M231REG.DAT Econ Majors in Econ 231 (Intermediate Microeconomics) Regression Data 1 Observation number, 1-391 2 Grade in Econ 231 3 Major Activity Code 1 (alphanumeric) 4 Major Activity Code 2 (alphanumeric) 5 The selection correction based on the highest Math class taken 6 Sophomore 7 Senior 8 Intermediate micro and intermediate macro in the same academic year 9 At least one semester between intermediate micro and intermediate macro [Math 170 is the omitted category] 10 Math 171a is highest completed math 11 Math 172a is highest completed math 12 Math 171b is highest completed math 13 Math 172b is highest completed math 14 Math 221a is highest completed math 15 Math 221b is highest completed math 16 Grade in Econ 100 17 Grade deflator in Econ 100 18 Grade in Econ 101 19 Grade deflator in Econ 231 20 Grade deflator in Econ 101 21 Size of Econ 231 22 Freshman GPA 23 Sex 24 SAT Math 25 SAT Verbal E232REG.DAT Econ 232 (Intermediate Macroeconomics) Regression Data, all students 1 Observation number, 1-490 2 Grade in Econ 232 3 The selection correction based on the highest Math class taken 4 Intermediate macro after intermediate micro 5 Intermediate macro in the same semester as intermediate micro 6 Sophomore 7 Senior [Math 170 is the omitted category] 8 Math 171a is highest completed math 9 Math 172a is highest completed math 10 Math 171b is highest completed math 11 Math 172b is highest completed math 12 Math 221a is highest completed math 13 Math 221b is highest completed math 14 Grade in Econ 100 15 Grade in Econ 101 16 Grade deflator in Econ 232 17 Grade deflator in Econ 100 18 Grade deflator in Econ 101 19 Size of Econ 232 20 Freshman GPA 21 Sex 22 SAT Math 23 SAT Verbal M232REG.DAT Econ Majors in Econ 232 (Intermediate Macroeconomics) Regression Data 1 Observation number, 1-384 2 Grade in Econ 232 3 Major Activity Code #1 (alphanumeric) 4 Major Activity Code #2 (alphanumeric) 5 The selection correction based on the highest Math class taken 6 Intermediate macro after intermediate micro 7 Intermediate macro in the same semester as intermediate micro 8 Sophomore 9 Senior [Math 170 is the omitted category] 10 Math 171a is highest completed math 11 Math 172a is highest completed math 12 Math 171b is highest completed math 13 Math 172b is highest completed math 14 Math 221a is highest completed math 15 Math 221b is highest completed math 16 Grade in Econ 100 17 Grade in Econ 101 18 Grade deflator in Econ 232 19 Grade deflator in Econ 100 20 Grade deflator in Econ 101 21 Size of Econ 232 22 Freshman GPA 23 Sex 24 SAT Math 25 SAT Verbal E231OP.DAT and E232OP.DAT Econ 231 and Econ 232 Ordered Probit Data (for Highest Math Course) 1 Id number (609 observations in 231 Micro; 490 observations in 232 Macro) 2 Highest level of math attained (the dependent variable, 0-6 corresponding to Math 170, 171a, 172a, 171b, 172b, 221a, 221b) 3 SAT Math 4 Foreign language proficiency 5 Expected major is econ 6 Expected major is other social science 7 Expected major is natural science 8 Expected major is humanities 9 One course in advanced math 10 Two courses in advanced math 11 Three courses in advanced math 12 One course in physics 13 Two courses in physics 14 One course in chemistry 15 Two courses in chemistry ******** Note added 2004-4-15 It was brought to the attention of the authors that some grades in mathematics were missing in the e232reg.* files. They replied as follows: (1) We unintentionally failed to write out the math grades for macro (Econ 232) students. (2) We could recover the grades for 440 out of 490 of them from the micro data, because that is the number who also took micro (Econ 231). (3) The 50 who did not take micro (Econ 231) have lost math grades. (4) The regression in the paper reestimated with the dummy variable in it still has the same four statistically significant explanatory variables, virtually the same r square, and about the same size of significant coefficients. The file e232regnew.dat contains the same information as the old e232reg.dat file, plus math grades in the same place as in the micro data and a dummy variable at the end (1 = missing math grades, 0 = has math grades). Note: this dummy variable is equivalent to "did not take micro."