A. Colin Cameron and Per Johansson, "Count Data Regression Using Series Expansion: With Applications", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1997, pp. 203-224. *---- SUMMARY We have provided Gauss programs for the computation of Poisson Polynomial of order p (p =1,...,6) computed in the paper. Also the Data on Takeover Bids (Section 4.1) and Health Service Utilization (Section 4.2) are provided. *---- PROGRAMS (Program.zip) 1. Maincode to perform fast simulated annealing (FSA) FSA2.SRC Gauss program containing utilty progamms and programs for FSA. FSA2.EXT External variable declarations for common globals FSA2.DEC External variable declarations for common globals FSA2.LCG Library file for the procedures in FSA2.SRC The first three file should be copied in to the SRC library in Gauss. The last file should be copied into the lib library in Gauss. 2. Procedures to perform FSA and maximum likelihood estimation of the PP1 - PP6 models the loglikelihood (l), gradient (g) and Hessian (H) Also, supplemented are Procedures to calculated expectation (E), variance (V), Ratio (R), sampling distribution (f) and pdf's from the PPp disstribution (psnp) and marginal effects (Sb) PP1.SRC l, g, H, E, V, R, f, psnp and Sb PP2.SRC l, g, H, E, V, R, f, psnp and Sb PP3.SRC l, g, H, E, V, R, f, psnp and Sb PP4.SRC l, g, H, E, V, R, f, psnp and Sb PP5.SRC l, g, H, E, V, R, f, psnp and Sb PP6.SRC l, g To perform ML estimation the Gauss Maxlik Procedures must be available. 3. An example file based on the the Takeover bid data. Snp1.prg This is en example file how one can use the programs above. To perform FSA and ML of the PP1 model. *---- DATA (Data.zip) These files are in DOS format. 4. Takeover bid data take.dat Nr of observations 126 nr of variables 9 Variables in the following order: NUMBIDS Count (Dependent Variable) LEGLREST Legal Restructuring REALREST Real Restructuring FINREST Financial Restructuring WHTKNGHT White Knight BIDPREM Bid Premium INSTHOLD Institutional Holdings SIZE Size measured in billions REGULATN Regulation In addition you need to create the variable SIZESQ Size Squared (SIZE*SIZE) 5. The Health Data-set (Ascci) health.dat Nr of observations 5190 nr of variables 12 Variables in the following order: NONDOCCO SEX AGE INCOME LEVYPLUS FREEPOOR FREEREPA ILLNESS ACTDAYS HSCORE CHCOND1 CHCOND2 *---- DOCUMENTATION FOR THE TAKEOVER BID DATA SET The original data are from Sanjiv Jaggia and Satish Thosar, 1993, "Multiple Bids as a Consequence of Target Management Resistance", Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 447-457. A related study that uses similar, but not exactly the same data, is Sanjiv Jaggia and Satish Thosar, 1995, "Contested Tender Offers: An Estimate of the Hazard Function", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 113-119. This related study looks at 152 firms, including 25 that were still not taken over 52 weeks after the initial offer. These different data are available at the JBES web-site. *---- DOCUMENTATION FOR THE HEALTH DATA SET The original data are a random sample of single Australians over 18 years of age. Specifically, there are 40,650 people in the AHS 1977-78 study. For study description, codebook and questionnaire see "Australian Health Survey, 1977-78: User's guide for the Machine-Readable Data File", SSDA Study No. 196, Social Sciences Data Archive, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200 AUSTRALIA This can be purchased for AUD$17, at the above address. Or see "Australian Health Survey, 1977-78: Sample File on Magnetic Tape", Information Paper, Catalogue Number 4324.0, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra. We first restrict attention to the 7,391 people in head-only households. (i.e. Structure of Income Unit is head only). By restriction to singles only this group has relatively more young and old people and relatively fewer middle-age people than the population as a whole. Further restriction to only people over 18 years of age and with non-missing data on all variables used in this and related analyses reduces the sample in the extracted data set to 5,190. The extracted data (or closely related extracted data sets) are used in four other studies in addition to this JAE paper: A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi (1986), "Econometric Models Based on Applications of Some Estimators and Tests", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 1, 29-53. A. Colin Cameron, Pravin K. Trivedi, Frank Milne and John R. Piggott (1988), "A Microeconometric Model of the Demand for Health Care and Health Insurance in Australia", Review of Economic Studies, 55, 85-106. A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi (1990), "The Role of Income and Risk in the Choice of Health Insurance: Evidence from Australia", Journal of Public Economics, 45, 1-28. A. Colin Cameron and Frank Windmeijer (1996). "R-Squared Measures for Count Data Regression Models With Applications to Health Care Utilization", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 14, 209-220. These papers include summaries of the data. The second and third papers include summaries of institutional arrangements of health insurance in Australia.