Michael Gerfin, "Parametric and Semiparametric Estimation of the Binary Response Model of Labour Market Participation", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1996, pp. 321-340. The paper uses two data sets. The Swiss data are included in the file SWISS.ASC, which is zipped in gerfin-data.zip. The German data cannot be made available because of german data protection laws. Interested researchers will need to sign a data user contract with the DIW first (address below). Once this contract is signed the data can be obtained from the author (e-mail gerfin@vwi.unibe.ch). DIW (Deutsches Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung) Koenigin-Luise-Str 5 D-14195 Berlin Tel +49 30 89789-281 Fax +49 30 89789-200 e-mail soepmail@diw-berlin.de Contents of SWISS.ASC: The file contains 7 variables (872 obs) in the following order LFP Labour force participation dummy LNNLINC Log of nonlabour income AGE Age in years divided by 10 EDUC Years of formal education NYC Number of young children (younger than 7) NOC Number of older children FOREIGN Dummy, = 1 if obs is not Swiss This file is in DOS format, so Unix users must use "unzip -a".