Kevin Rask, "The Structure of Technology in Brazilian Sugarcane Production, 1975-1987: An Application of a Modified Symmetric Generalized McFadden Cost Function", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1995, pp. 221-232. The ascii file "rask.dat" (which is zipped in contains the data used to estimate the symmetric generalized McFadden cost function for sugarcane production in Brazil. The data are written one observation per line, with a space acting as the delimiter. Missing values are contained in the line for forncedores in 1977, and are identified by a dot ("."). Therefore there are 130 observations for the general variables like year and state. However, all the information on prices and quantities has 125 observations, (13 years, 5 states, 2 types of producers per state, minus the missing year 1977 for the fornecedores in each state.) The 36 variables were written by PC-SAS V. 6.04 in the following order: (The longest record length is about 370 characters so if you need a "lrecl" statement to read it in using lrecl=400 should work.) Year = Date of Surveyed Costs, between 1975 and 1987. State = 1=Sao Paulo, 2=Minas Gerais, 3=Rio de Janeiro, 4=Pernambuco, 5=Alagoas Plab = Divisia Price Index for Labor Pchem = Divisia Price Index for Chemicals Pmach = Divisia Price Index for Machinery Qlab = State total quantity of labor in man-hours. Qchem = State total quantity of chemicals in tons. Qmach = State total quantity of machinery in hours. Sum = (theta sub l)*Plab + (theta sub c)*Pchem + (theta sub m)*Pmach LYinv = Qlab/Y CYinv = Qchem/Y MYinv = Qmach/Y Plsum = Plab/Sum Pcsum = Pchem/Sum Pmsum = Pmach/Sum Thcpc2 = ((1/2)*(theta sub c)*Pchem*Pchem)/(sum**2) Thcpl2 = ((1/2)*(theta sub c)*Plab*Plab)/(sum**2) Thcpm2 = ((1/2)*(theta sub c)*Pmach*Pmach)/(sum**2) Thlpc2 = ((1/2)*(theta sub l)*Pchem*Pchem)/(sum**2) Thlpl2 = ((1/2)*(theta sub l)*Plab*Plab)/(sum**2) Thlpm2 = ((1/2)*(theta sub l)*Pmach*Pmach)/(sum**2) Thmpc2 = ((1/2)*(theta sub m)*Pchem*Pchem)/(sum**2) Thmpl2 = ((1/2)*(theta sub m)*Plab*Plab)/(sum**2) Thmpm2 = ((1/2)*(theta sub m)*Pmach*Pmach)/(sum**2) Thcpcpm = ((theta sub c)*Pchem*Pmach)/(sum**2) Thcplpc = ((theta sub c)*Plab*Pchem)/(sum**2) Thcplpm = ((theta sub c)*Plab*Pmach)/(sum**2) Thlpcpm = ((theta sub l)*Pchem*Pmach)/(sum**2) Thlplpc = ((theta sub l)*Plab*Pchem)/(sum**2) Thlplpm = ((theta sub l)*Plab*Pmach)/(sum**2) Thmpcpm = ((theta sub m)*Pchem*Pmach)/(sum**2) Thmplpc = ((theta sub m)*Plab*Pchem)/(sum**2) Thmplpm = ((theta sub m)*Plab*Pmach)/(sum**2) Y = Total sugarcane output in tons. H = Total hectares in production. K = Total fixed-capital in $Cz. Any questions about the data may be directed to: Kevin Rask Colgate University Department of Economics Hamilton, NY 13346 Phone: (315) 824-7524 FAX: (315) 824-7726 E-Mail: KRASK@Center.Colgate.Edu