Shi-Miin Liu and B. Wade Brorsen, "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a GARCH-stable Model", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1995, pp. 273-285. E-mail adresseses: and Date: Accepted September 1994 Files:bpch.dat cdch.dat jych.dat dmch.dat sfch.dat Each file contains the changes in the exchange rate in U.S dollars per the foreign currency. Each record contains one daily observation. The data begin in September 1980 and end in August 1990. The first two letters in each file name are the initials of the foreign currency: bp is British Pound, cd is Canadian dollar, jy is Japanese Yen, dm is Deutsche Mark, and sf is Swiss Franc. These files were zipped on a Unix system, so they may need to be converted to DOS format for use on a PC.