Maxwell Pak
Assistant Professor of Economics
Dunning Hall 230
Department of Economics
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
Phone: (613) 533-2251
Fax: (613) 533-6668
- "Stochastic Stability and Time-Dependent Mutations," Games and Economic Behavior, November 2008, 64(2), pp. 650-665.
Working Papers
- "Decentralized Price Adjustment in 2 x 2 Replica Economies," Revised December 2009.
- "Reinforcement Learning in Perfect-Information Games," Revised July 2006.
Works in Progress
- "Bayesian Estimation of Games of Incomplete Information," with Christopher Ferral, Jean-Francois Houde, and Susumu Imai.
- "Cooperation with Random Matching," with James Bergin.
- "Reinforcement Learning in Two Player Simultaneous-Move Games."