Dr. Gregor Smith, Associate Head, presenting award to medalist winner
Kevin Khang for the
Chancellor C.A. Dunning Prize in Economics.
Kevin also received the Prince of Wales Prize.
Dr. Ian Cromb, Undergraduate Chairman, presents Joanna Jeon with the
Chancellor C.A. Dunning Prize in Economics
for the best written B.A. Thesis.
Joanna's thesis is entitled "How to Dissolve a Partnership Fairly Under
Complete Information:
The Effect of a Shotgun Clause".
Dr. Smith congratulates our two Medial Medalists, Brian Gottheil (top)
and Gordon McGuire (bottom).

Wei An was the recipient of The James Bocking Prize which is awarded to the
student with the highest
standing in Industrial Organization and Public Policy.(no photo available)
Trisha Casey-Purvis presents Helen Ma with the Douglas D. Purvis Prize
in Economics which is awarded to the
graduating student who has written
the best fourth-year seminar paper in Economics. Helen's paper
is entitled
"Effects of Agglomeration on Productivity and Returns to Skill Acquisition
in Urban Canada".
The following students received an outstanding achievement departmental award:
Jerome Davis (below)
Kim Ho (no photo available)
Cecelia Tam (no photo available)