Canadian Network for Economic History
2008 Conference
"Predicting Patterns of Early Twentieth Century Wage Inequality"
, Marina Adshade (Dalhousie)
"Distributional Dynamics in a Stochastic Environment with Tradable
Assets: Medieval English Land Markets", Cliff Bekar (Lewis and
Clark) and Clyde Reed (SFU)
"Canada and the IMF: Trailblazer or Prodigal Son?", Michael Bordo
(Rutgers), Tamara Gomes (Bank of Canada) and Lawrence Schembri (Bank of Canada)
"Survival in 19th Centrury Cities: The Larger the City, the Smaller
Your Chances", Louis Cain (Loyola/NWU) and Sok Chul Hong
"Bilingualism, Language Shift, and Industrialization in Mid-20th
Century India", David Clingingsmith (Case Western Reserve)
"Two Steps Forward, One Step Back? Women and Wealth in Ontario,
1870-1920", Livio DiMatteo
"The Political Economy of Financial Good Housekeeping in Historical
Perspective", Mark Dincecco(IMT Lucca Institue)
"Lending to the Borrower from Hell: Lender Coalitions and Incentive
Compatibility in the Age of Phillip II", Mauricio Drelichman
(UBC) and Hans-Joachim Voth (ICREA/UPF and CEPR)
"Prohibition of Alcohol and Anglo-Saxon Culture: A Comparison of the
U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand", Ruth Dupre (H.E.C.)
"The Cost of Transporting Slaves to the Caribbean: 1680-1730",
David Eltis (Emory), Frank Lewis (Queen's) and Kimberly Mcintyre (Finance)
"Public Pensions and the Well-Being of Seniors in Canada: Compairing
Means Tested and Universal Eligibility, 1921-1970",
Herbert Emery (Calgary) and Jesse Matheson (Calgary)
"Immigration and Inequality in Canada in the Early 20th Century",
Alan Green (Queen's) and David Green (UBC)
"Canada's International Accounts with Great Britain, the United Sates and
the Rest of the World, 1868-1929: A Review of the Literature and New
Estimates", Gordon Holmes (McMaster)
"Trade Booms, Trade Busts and Trade Costs",
David Jacks (SFU), Chris Meissner (UC Davis), and Dennis Novy (Warwick)
"Physical Well-Being in New Zealand since the 19th Centruy",
Kris Inwood (Guelph), Les Oxley (Canterbury) and Even Roberts (Victoria
"Farm Mechanization on an Otherwise 'Featureless Plain': Tractor Adoption
on the Northern Great Plains and Immigration Policy of the 1920s",
Byron Lew (Trent) and Bruce Cater (Trent)
"Towards and Objective Account of Nutrition and Health in Colonial Kenya:
A Study of Stature in African Army Recruits since the 19th Centry",
Alexander Moradi (Oxford - Nuffield)
"Democracy in Tsarist Russion? The Case of the Zemstvo",
Steve Nafziger (Williams)
"Inter-Regional and Intra-Regional Inequality in 19th
Century Austria", Michael Pammer (Johannes Kepler)
"The Organization of Merchant Empires: Portugal, England and the
Netherlands", Claudia Rei (Boston U)
"Peer to Peer: Lifetime Learning and the Evolution of the
Gender Literacy Gap", William Troost (UBC)